Oklahoma Program Approval Manual for Certification

Table of Contents



Criteria for Approval of Programs

Program Evaluation

Application Procedure

Program Application Form

Program Application Form Instructions

Application Procedure

Applicants should submit a completed Program Application Form to the:

Certification Specialist
Office of Library Development
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
200 N.E. 18 Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3298

The Form, fully completed and with all attachments, should be submitted no later than twelve weeks prior to the program to be approved. The Certification Specialist cannot guarantee timely approval if the form is incomplete or submitted less than twelve weeks
(3 months) before the program.

Groups planning workshops sponsored by the Oklahoma Library Association may submit the OLA Workshop Program Planning Form in lieu of the Program Application Form to the Certification Specialist. The OLA Form should be submitted sixteen weeks (4 months) prior to the proposed program to allow adequate time for approval.

Screening Action

When reviewing an application for program approval, the Certification Specialist considers three possible decisions for the application:

1. Approved
2. Pending
3. Disapproved


An application is approved if the Criteria for Approval are met.


An application is pending if it is basically sound, but clarification is needed in certain areas. The areas of weakness that could result in a pending application are: (a) objectives - either objectives have not been written from the participant's perspective or the objectives are not measurable; (b) content - description is too general; (c) qualifications of instructors - either qualifications are omitted, are out of date, or are not related to the program; or (d) an outline with times and/or an evaluation instrument are not included in this application.


An application is disapproved if (a) information presented is generally inadequate and (b) it is evident that the program's content is questionable and that the program would not meet the criteria in its objectives, content, instructors and evaluation even when properly presented.

Applicant Notification

Written notification will be sent within 12 working days of receipt of the Program Application Form by the Certification Specialist.

Applicants Whose Applications are Approved: Applicants will be advised of approval status by letter and will receive a master copy of the confirmation of attendance with the number of CEUs indicated.

Applicants Whose Applications are Pending: The applicant will be asked to submit additional information so that the Certification Specialist can make a final decision on the status of the application. The Certification Specialist will reach a decision at the earliest possible date after receipt of the requested information. The applicant will then be notified of the final status of the application. If the application is approved, the routine will be followed as noted under approved status.

Applicants Whose Applications are Not Approved: The applicant may resubmit a new application to be considered by the Certification Specialist or may appeal the decision of the Certification Specialist to the Certification Board.


Appeals will be handled by the Certification Board.

Repeat Programs

Identical Repeat Programs: If a sponsor decides to repeat a program with the same instructor, same outline, etc., the sponsor should inform the Certification Specialist in writing. The letter should include the title of the program, the dates and the location.

Repeat Programs with Modifications: If a sponsor is repeating a program that involves changes such as a different instructor or using an outline from a different sponsor, a new Program Application Form should be submitted to the Certification Specialist. The Application should note that this is a repeat of a program.

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