Press Release
Facts at a Glance
Everyday in Oklahoma Partners
Kids Count Leadership
About OICA
Overview and Findings
Economic Clusters
State Benchmarks
County Benchmarks
Download Factbook

Copyright 2004

Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
420 N.W. 13th Street
Suite 101
Oklahoma City 73103
Phone: 405-236-5437
Fax: 405-236-5439

More online information about children at-risk




Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership Supported by:

Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Chickasaw Nation

Sonic, America's Drive-In
Stillwater National Bank and Trust Company
Oklahoma Natural Gas
Integris Health
Bob & Peggy McCormick
American Fidelity Assurance Co.
MACCINI Construction Company
Drs. Roger & Carol Sheldon
Laurie & Nick Fuller
Anonymous Donor
UMB Bank
Mortgage Management, Inc.
S design, inc.
Special Thanks to Ann Patterson Salazar for Photographs


Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership

Lead Agency
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Anne Roberts, Executive Director, Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Project Director
Ann Salazar, Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Project Coordinator
Julianna Osuna, Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Factbook Project Coordinator

Data Analyst and Writer
Ingraham & Associates, PLLC
Sandy Ingraham, JD, MSW
Nina Rowland, Administrator

Data Partner
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
Kathy Taylor, Secretary of Commerce and Tourism
Jeff Wallace, Director of Programs

Leadership Partner
Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth
Janice Hendryx, Executive Director
Lisa Smith, Assistant Director

Design Partner
S Design, Inc.
Sarah Sears, Creative Direction
Marc Bostian, Design
Jesse James Davison, Design


2004 Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Factbook

A publication which reports on the well-being of children and youth in Oklahoma. Data from the Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Factbook is included on the website for the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy at

Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership
C/O Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
420 NW 13th Street, Suite 101

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103
fax: 405-236-KIDX (5439)
phone: 405-236-KIDS (5437)

The National KIDS COUNT Databook is an annual publication that reports on the well-being of children, youth and families in the United States. The publication is free and available through: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 701 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, 1-410-547-6600, or online at

Copyright 2004, Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, Inc.

Permission to copy, disseminate or otherwise use information from this Factbook is granted as long as acknowledgment is given to the Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership, a project of the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy. Sources for the data used in this book, which are listed in the Methodology & Sources section, remain the final authority regarding the quality and meaning of the data.



Oklahoma KIDS COUNT thanks the many individuals and organizations for their partnership in preparing this publication. Many individuals at the respective agencies assisted with this endeavor.

Dr. James M. Crutcher
Oklahoma State Department of Health

Robert Buswell
Office of Accountability

Sandy Garrett
Oklahoma State Department of Education

Howard Hendrick
Oklahoma Department of Human Services

DeWade Langley
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation

Susan McVey
Oklahoma Department of Libraries

Kathy Taylor
Oklahoma Department of Commerce


Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Board of Directors 2004

Ronald J. Rocke, President, Oklahoma City
Jay Keel, VP Public Policy, Ada
Caroline Linehan, VP Development, Oklahoma City
Dean Stringer, VP Trustees, Oklahoma City
Laurie Fuller, Secretary/Treasurer, Muskogee
Kimberly Francisco, President Elect, Oklahoma City
Lisa Barrowman, Oklahoma City
Anne Calvert, Oklahoma City
Peter Correia III, Tulsa
Andrea Chancellor, Tulsa
Bill Doenges, Tulsa
Linda Dzialo, Ph.D., Lawton
Doug Fox, Tulsa
Terry D. Harryman, Oklahoma City
Lyn Hester, Oklahoma City
Dianne Juhnke, Enid
Albert Kelly, Bristow
Ed Legako, M.D., Lawton
Bob McCormick, Stillwater
Peggy McCormick, Stillwater
D. Kent Meyers, Oklahoma City
Dick Mosher, Bartlesville
Roger Sheldon, M.D., Oklahoma City
Deborah Watson, Drumright
Ken Young, Oklahoma City

Anne Roberts, Executive Director, Norman