PDF Downloads

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Download the Entire Factbook 2001 in PDF Format (3.7 MB)

Download Selected Sections and Pages of the 2001 Factbook in PDF Format:

Part 1: (Cover to page 5), Table of Contents, Partners, Acknowledgements, Kids Count Leadership (380K)

Part 2: (pages 6 to 8), A State Profile, Overview and Findings (325K)

Part 3: (pages 9 to 15), Focus on Early Childhood Care and Education (285K)

Part 4: (pages 16 and 17), State Benchmark: Low Birthweight Infants (80K)

Part 5: (pages 18 and 19), State Benchmark: Infant Mortality (80K)

Part 6: (pages 20 and 21), State Benchmark: Births to Young Teens (76K)

Part 7: (pages 22 and 23), State Benchmark: Child Abuse and Neglect (80K)

Part 8: (pages 24 and 25), State Benchmark: Child and Teen Death (82K)

Part 9: (pages 26 and 27), State Benchmark: High School Dropouts (80K)

Part 10: (pages 28 and 29), State Benchmark: Juvenile Violent Crime Arrests (83K)

Part 11: (pages 30 to 69), County Benchmarks (1.8 MB)

Single page County Benchmark downloads are available below.

Part 12: (pages 70 to 78) Understanding the Data, County Benchmark Key, Methodology, Additional References (253K)

Part 13: (pages 79 to 92 and back cover) Data Tables with county information on the seven benchmarks (490K)

Download County Benchmark pages

Each download features charts for two counties, and is approximately 52K

(Also download the County Benchmark Key)

Adair and Alfalfa (page 31)

Atoka and Beaver (page 32)

Beckham and Blaine (page 33)

Bryan and Caddo (page 34)

Canadian and Carter (page 35)

Cherokee and Choctaw (page 36)

Cimarron and Cleveland (page 37)

Coal and Comanche (page 38)

Cotton and Craig (page 39)

Creek and Custer (page 40)

Delaware and Dewey (page 41)

Ellis and Garfield (page 42)

Garvin and Grady (page 43)

Grant and Greer (page 44)

Harmon and Harper (page 45)

Haskell and Hughes (page 46)

Jackson and Jefferson (page 47)

Johnston and Kay (page 48)

Kingfisher and Kiowa (page 49)

Latimer and Le Flore (page 50)

Lincoln and Logan (page 51)

Love and McClain (page 52)

McCurtain and McIntosh (page 53)

Major and Marshall (page 54)

Mayes and Murray (page 55)

Muskogee and Noble (page 56)

Nowata and Okfuskee (page 57)

Oklahoma and Okmulgee (page 58)

Osage and Ottawa (page 59)

Pawnee and Payne (page 60)

Pittsburg and Pontotoc (page 61)

Pottawatomie and Pushmataha (page 62)

Roger Mills and Rogers (page 63)

Seminole and Sequoyah (page 64)

Stevens and Texas (page 65)

Tillman and Tulsa (page 66)

Wagoner and Washington (page 67)

Washita and Woods (page 68)

Woodward (page 69)





PDF Downloads
Press Release
Everyday in Oklahoma
Kids Count Leadership
Overview & Findings
Focus on Early Childhood
State Benchmarks
County Benchmarks
Understanding the Data
Data Tables

Copyright 2001

Oklahoma Institute for
Child Advocacy, Inc.
420 N.W. 13th Street
Suite 101
Oklahoma City 73103
Phone: 405-236-KIDS (5437)
Fax: 405-236-KIDX (5439)

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