
The State Focus on Early Childhood Care and Education in this 2001 Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Factbook was made possible by support from the partners of Oklahoma Success by 6. Led by the United Way of Metro Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, Oklahoma Success by 6 seeks to ensure that all Oklahoma children are healthy, eager to learn and ready to succeed by the time they enter school.

Oklahoma Success by 6 is made possible by the following partners:

Bank of America

United Way of Metro Oklahoma City

Lucent Technologies


Oklahoma Kids Count Partnership supported by:

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Sarkeys Foundation

The Chickasaw Nation

Stillwater National Bank and Trust Company

Sonic, America's Drive-In

The Kirkpatrick Family Fund

Drs. Carol and Roger Sheldon

Crowe & Dunlevy

Copyright 2001, Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, Inc. Permission to copy, disseminate or otherwise use information from this Factbook is granted as long as acknowledgment is given to the Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership, a project of the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy. Sources for the data used in this book, which are listed in the Methodology & Sources section, remain the final authority regarding the quality and meaning of the data.

Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership includes. . .

Lead Agency
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Anne Roberts, Executive Director
Marlo Nash, Project Coordinator, Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Partnership
Ann Salazar, KIDS COUNT Liaison

Data Partner
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
Russell Perry, Secretary of Economic Development and Special Affairs
Ronald Bussert, Executive Director
Jeff Wallace, Research Analyst

Leadership Partner
Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth
Tom Kemper, Executive Director
Grace Kelley, Assistant Director

Design Partners
S Design, Inc.
Sarah Sears, Art Direction & Design
Anne LoBaugh, Design
Veronica McCollum, Design
Erick Gfeller, Photographer

Data Analyst and Writer
Sandy Ingraham, JD, MSW
Ingraham & Associates, PLLC


Oklahoma KIDS COUNT thanks the many individuals and organizations for their partnership in preparing this publication. Many individuals at the respective agencies assisted with this endeavor.

Robert Buswell
Office of Accountability

Sandy Garrett
Oklahoma State Department of Education

Howard Hendrick
Oklahoma Department of Human Services

DeWade Langley
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation

Susan McVey
Oklahoma Department of Libraries

Russell Perry
Oklahoma Department of Commerce

Jerry Regier
Oklahoma State Department of Health

Nina Rowland
Ingraham & Associates, PLLC

Jeff Wallace
Oklahoma Department of Commerce


Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy Board of Directors

Anne Calvert, President, Oklahoma City

Cathy Shearer, MDiv, VP Programs, Oklahoma City

Bob and Peggy McCormick, VPs Development, Stillwater

Mary Monfort, PhD, VP Trustees, Oklahoma City

Andrew Glenn, PhD, Secretary, Norman

Kimberly Francisco, Tr easurer, Oklahoma City

Ron Matlock, President-Elect, Oklahoma City

Robert Abernathy, Oklahoma City

Andrea Chancellor, Tulsa

Doug Fox, Edmond

Laurie Fuller, Muskogee

Kay Grant, EdD, Tahlequah

Alex Greenwood, Oklahoma City

Jean Harbison, Lawton

Lyn Hester, Oklahoma City

Rob Johnson, Tulsa

Jay Keel, Ada

Kell Kelly, Bristow

Ed Legako, MD, Lawton

Brian Mayer, Tulsa

Kent Meyers, Oklahoma City

Dick Mosher, Bartlesville

Lela Robison, Muskogee

Ron Rocke, Oklahoma City

Roger Sheldon, MD, Oklahoma City

Deborah Watson, Drumright

Ellen Yates, Altus

Ken Young, Oklahoma City

Next: Kids Count Leadership


PDF Downloads
Press Release
Everyday in Oklahoma
Kids Count Leadership
Overview & Findings
Focus on Early Childhood
State Benchmarks
County Benchmarks
Understanding the Data
Data Tables

Copyright 2001

Oklahoma Institute for
Child Advocacy, Inc.
420 N.W. 13th Street
Suite 101
Oklahoma City 73103
Phone: 405-236-KIDS (5437)
Fax: 405-236-KIDX (5439)

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