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Dept. of Libraries

200 NE 18th St
Oklahoma City,

U.S. Government

(405) 522-3335
(405) 525-7804—FAX


Steve Beleu,
U.S. Government


U.S. Government Information Links
Oklahoma's Congressional Delegation

Oklahoma's Federal Information Libraries

Annual Reports of Oklahoma's Territorial Governors

Historical Publications

Informational Brochures Census Data Training Resources
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U.S. Government Information Division Home


Online Services

Electronic Lab
The electronic lab in the U.S. Government Information Division at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries has terminals available to the public for free Internet access to federal government sites. Files printed on our laser printer cost 10 cents per page. We encourage downloading of information onto discs that we sell for 50 cents each.

Oklahoma residents may call or send e-mail messages if there are questions. We are connected to a network of libraries with expertise in electronic access and welcome all questions.

Note: We reserve the right to limit search requests.

ERIC Searches and Microfiche
ERIC is a database and matching set of microfiche dealing with all aspects of education. If you are an Oklahoma resident, you may contact us with your request, and we will search ERIC and provide a printout of the results for you. We can send microfiche copies of publications on the ERIC search to you through your library.

Note: We reserve the right to limit search requests.

NTIS Searches
We can search NTIS publications on a CD-ROM index. NTIS (National Technical Information Service) maintains a database of federal reports and technical reports from other sources. Oklahoma residents may contact us with requests. We will search NTIS for you and provide a printout of the results. We will have many, but not all, of the technical reports that the database identifies as being published by federal agencies.

Note: We reserve the right to limit search requests.

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Oklahoma Department of Libraries