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Dept. of Libraries

200 NE 18th St
Oklahoma City,

U.S. Government

(405) 522-3335
(405) 525-7804—FAX


Steve Beleu,
U.S. Government

Oklahoma's Federal Information Libraries

1. Oklahoma Department of Libraries

U.S. Government Information Division
200 N.E. 18th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3298
Phone: (405) 521-2502
Telefax: (405) 525-7804
Fax, Toll-Free, In State: (800) 397-8116
E-mail: (see Staff)

Dep. No/Year Designated: D487 (1893; became Regional in 1962)

Subject Concentrations: 100%

Collection: Supt. of Docs. classification in separate area.

Location-Documents: Wright Memorial Library, 2nd floor (USGID); Cartwright Memorial Library, State Capitol, Room 8B.

One month - with renewal.

Staff: 2 librarians & 1.5 documents assistants.
Steve Beleu, U.S. documents regional depository librarian

Clifton Broadworth, reference librarian

General Policies: Closed stacks; direct circulation limited to state employees and Oklahoma librarians.

Duplication Facilities: Photocopies on 1st floor - 10 cents; microfiche and microfilm to paper - 30 cents; microfiche to microfiche - 50 cents for first copy, 25 cents each additional copy; maps - $1.50 per map.

Responsible for the Following Selective Depository Libraries:
University of Central Oklahoma
East Central University
Lawton Public Library
Oklahoma Baptist University
Metropolitan Library System (OKC)
Oklahoma City University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
University of Oklahoma Bizzell Library
University of Oklahoma Law Library

Oklahoma Department of Libraries Special Collections:

U.S. Government Information Division

Archives of the Federal Writers' Project
Archives of the Works Projects Admin.
American Statistics Index, 1974-
CIS, 1970-
CIS Congressional Committee Hearings, 1833-1969
CIS Congressional Committee Prints, 1850-1969
CIS Serial Set
CIS Unpublished House Committee Hearings, 1833-1936
CIS Unpublished Senate Committee Hearings, 1823-1964
CIS U.S. Senate Executive Documents and Reports, 1817-1969
Congressional Research Service, 1955-1993
Declassified Documents 1976-1993
Envirofiche, 1971-1984
Environmental Impacts Statements in Oklahoma, 1970-1995
ERIC, 1966-
Indian Claims Commission Decisions and Reports
Military and Government Specifications and Standards (current editions)
NASA 1962-1964; 1966-1979
Reports of Explorations Printed in the Documents of the United States Government
Statistics Reference Index, 1980-
U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1st-26th Congresses, 82nd-

State Archives Division
Phone: (405) 521-2502
General Land Office/Bureau of Land Management Land Records 1871-
Copies: paper- $1.50 per map; microfiche - 50 cents for first copy; 25 cents for each additional copy.

Jan Eric Cartwright Memorial Library
Room 109, State Capitol
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3298
Phone: (405) 522-3213
Fax: (405) 521-2753
Council of State Governments Microfiche 1930-

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