Oklahoma Vertical Files are a collection of newspaper clippings, brochures, association newsletters and programs, pamphlets and other ephemera organized into two types of files - Biography files and Subject files. The files are housed in two separate locations - the Oklahoma Collection in the Oklahoma Department of Libraries building, first floor, and the Cartwright Library located in the basement of the State Capitol building. The Biography files include information about Oklahoma people. The Subject files include information about places, things, and events particular to Oklahoma or of interest to state government and policy researchers. The best way to see our Oklahoma Vertical Files is to come visit us at both our locations. We are open to the public each weekday, 8:00 to 5:00. Our files do not circulate, but there are copy machines available for your use at both facilities. BIOGRAPHY (Found in both locations) The Oklahoma Collection Biography files are an assortment of Oklahoma personalities, whether political leaders, authors, journalists, artists or any Oklahoman caught up in an interesting event or time. The collection is very broad in scope. The Cartwright Library Biography collection focuses on elected state officials and the legislative and judicial branches of state government. Want to see a list of persons whose files are included in the Cartwright Library Biography Collection? Use the pull-down menu below to choose the first letter of the last name you are seeking. To see the entire list, leave the selection set to "Everyone". [Note: Requesting the entire list may require up to 30 seconds for loading.]SUBJECT (Found in both locations) The Oklahoma Collection's Subject file includes significant events in Oklahoma history, county and city news stories, maps, organization newsletters, a wealth of trivia and ephemera on a wide range of topics. The Oklahoma Vertical Files collection is not and does not aspire to be a comprehensive source of information on any person or topic. It serves as a tool to aid or lead a researcher to other avenues of information. The Cartwright Library Subject collection compliments their entire law collection and includes materials of legislative, executive, and judicial importance. Historical background information is available for many agencies, boards, commissions, reports, statutes, and cases.