The Archives preserves nearly 1,300 historical maps, which are
divided by origin into manuscript or state agency
former includes 19th Century maps of the Western
Territories detailing Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, and
the Oklahoma and Indian Territories. They cover such subjects
as Indian nations, tribes and reservations, the pony express,
military forts, ceded lands, and cattle trails.
Later maps show
the location of oil storage batteries and oil leases, mineral
resources, timber and coal lands.
These maps provide the researcher with a visual perspective on
such topics as railroad routes, school sites, political
boundaries, the highway system, oil pipelines, and water
Historical maps can illuminate as well as illustrate the
historical landscape. Used in conjunction with other records,
manuscripts, publications, photographs, audio
tapes and video tapes, these maps are a valuable piece in the
historical puzzle [please note that, for preservation purposes,
these maps cannot be photocopied].