Ever wonder what the Oklahoma landscape looked like in
decades gone by?
Well, the Archives houses a collection of aerial photographs covering
all of the state�s 77 counties, from the late 1930s through the 1960s.
Arranged by county and flight number, these photographs were taken by
the Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the United States
Department of Agriculture and retained by the Oklahoma Water Resources
Board and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. More recent aerial photographs are housed at Oklahoma State University.
To access aerial photos, one must have a legal description (section,
township, and range).
The photos are generally available in two scales (1 inch = 1/3 mile
and 1 inch = 1/8 mile) They can be looked at with or without a stereoscopic
viewer and are plotted by legal description.
You may wish to view or download a an
index of
the aerial photograph collection (Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format).