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Dept. of Libraries
200 NE 18th St
Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma 73105
(405) 521-2502
State Archives
(405) 522-3579
(405) 524-4416

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Storing Records at the State Records Center

The fee for storing records in the State Records Center is thirty cents ($0.30) per cubic foot per month [OAC 60:10-11-4].

Before an agency can transfer state records to the State Records Center for storage, the records management coordinator for that agency must submit a completed RMD Form 2, Records Transfer Authorization, to the State Records Center staff. The form must include the following information:

  • Pertinent records disposition schedule or records disposition authorization number(s);
  • Records series numbers and titles;
  • Number of boxes to transfer; and
  • Authorized retention period for the records.

The Records Center staff reviews the submitted RMD Form 2 for completeness and accuracy. If discrepancies are found, the agency is contacted for clarification of information. After all information is verified and corrected, the Records Center staff will schedule a date and time for the agency to deliver the records to the Center.

At the time of delivery, the Records Center staff will examine all storage boxes to ensure they are properly labeled and numbered. The agency will receive a copy of the RMD Form 2 after the records are accessioned and shelved.

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