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Governor David L. Walters

Term—1991 to 1995

photo of Gov. Walters

Descriptive Summary

Size: 80 cubic feet
Creator: Office of Governor
Repository: Oklahoma State Archives
200 Northeast 18th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 522-3579
Open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. M-F

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Arrangement and Description

Record Group: 8-W

David Lee Walters, Democrat. Served from 1991 to 1995. Born November 20, 1951, near Canute, Oklahoma, in Washita County. He graduated as valedictorian from Canute High School in 1969, and from the University of Oklahoma in 1973, with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering. In 1977, he earned as Master of Business Administration from Harvard University. Walters worked as a project manager in the administration of Gov. David Borebn, and later served as assistant and associate provost at the OU Health Sciences Center where, at age 29, he became the youngest executive officer in the university's history. He joined the Burks Group, a commercial real estate company, in 1982, and became president of American Fidelity Property Company in 1985. He served on the Commission for the Oklahoma State Department of Human Services in 1983, and was appointed co-chairman of the Governor's 100-member Commission on Government Reform in 1984. On November 6, 1990, Walters was elected Governor of Oklahoma, carrying 75 of the state's 77 counties. During Walter's term, education funding increased by approximately 30 percent, and a $350-million bond issue for higher education--the first in 25 years--brought construction and renovation to every state college campus. While in office Walters pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor election violation. He did not run for re-election in 1994.

Click here for a detailed Biography in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.

Research Topics: Education, Commission of the Status of Women, Indian Affairs, Workers Compensation Reform, Gun Control

Related Websites: Wikipedia entryBiography from Walters Power Intl.

State of State Addresses: 199119921993Feb. 19931994

Agency History

The Governor of Oklahoma is the chief executive officer of the state and is elected for a four year term. Principal powers and responsibilities are outlined by the state constitution and by statute and include certain appointive powers, the veto or approval of bills passed by the Legislature, the granting of pardons and paroles, the summoning of special sessions of the legislature, and the calling out of the militia. Moreover, the Governor is directly responsible for the preparation of the state budget, serves as an ex officio member of several boards and commissions, receives reports from various state officers and agencies, and is charged with the duty of seeing that all laws are faithfully executed in the state.

Administrative Information

Access: No Restrictions.

Publication Rights: Permission for reproduction or publication is given on behalf of the Oklahoma State Archives as the owner of the physical items. The researcher assumes all responsibility for possible infringement, which may arise from reproduction or publication of materials from the Oklahoma State Archives collections.

Preferred citation: [Identification of Item], [Box #], [Folder #], Record Group 8-W-[#], Governor's Office Records, Oklahoma State Archives, Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Oklahoma City, OK.

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