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image of top of proclamation

WHEREAS, much of Oklahoma's rich and diverse heritage is contained in the documents and records created by and for its people; and

WHEREAS, state and local governments, colleges and universities, libraries, historical societies, museums, tribal organizations, businesses, religious and medical institutions, and families throughout Oklahoma have established archives as a means of preserving our history; and

WHEREAS, these archives collectively contain over one hundred years of unique materials ranging from hand-written diaries to typewritten letters, from photographs to videotapes, from artifacts to modern electronic data systems; and

WHEREAS, archivists across Oklahoma are dedicated to responsibly identifying, collecting, organizing, and preserving the records in the public trust, and making those records available for study and appreciation; and

WHEREAS, through these archives, every generation of Oklahomans can study the past and learn from the experiences and accomplishments of our predecessors, while celebrating the unique history of our state;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BRAD HENRY, Governor of the State of Oklahoma, do hereby proclaim

November 13 –19, 2005, as

“ARCHIVES WEEK” in the State of Oklahoma,

and encourage all Oklahomans to discover the multitude of rich treasures contained in local archival repositories across the State of Oklahoma.

image of bottom of proclamation
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