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More Information
About Archives Week and Participation

Why should your organization participate in Archives Week?

How do you participate?

Oklahoma Archives Week Program Information Form

Archives, museums, historical societies, libraries, tribal organizations, and other groups with historical and archival collections are invited to participate in Archives Week by scheduling an event, activity or exhibit to highlight the collections in your institution. We hope the theme—Images of Oklahoma—will complement any programs you may have already planned.

Participation in Archives Week activities offers many benefits to your organization. Through our combined efforts we will be able to:

  • Increase the general awareness of archival materials and institutions,
  • Focus attention upon materials in archival centers,
  • Encourage persons and organizations with records of enduring value to properly preserve those materials, and
  • Strengthen ties with regular archives users while introducing new and potential users to archives.

How do you participate?

Archives Week is a great opportunity to showcase your collection. Some suggested ideas that encompass a variety of budgets and staff participation, include:

  • Display the official Archives Week poster. Oklahoma museums, libraries, and historical societies should receive them by the first week of October. The poster (featured on this section's homepage) is available for download in a full-sized version.
  • Hold an open house and provide tours through your facility, highlighting unique materials, or arrange for public visits to nearby repositories.
  • Hold a lunchtime reception with a featured speaker on the importance of preserving archival records.
  • Send press releases to local media, including a description of your materials; an article using research from your collection; or photographs of interesting items in your collection.
  • Contact local government officials, organizations, and educators informing them of Archives Week. Offer to speak about your collection and what resources in your collection could be useful to them.
  • Create a display or website, exhibiting some of your materials in your institution.

The Archives Week Program Information Form

If you plan an activity, exhibit or event and would like it publicized through the Archives Week website, please fill out the Archives Week Program Information Form.

For questions, please contact Jan Davis at (405) 522-3191


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