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What is our policy? ODL Internet Policies

Policies related to ODL Online website

ODL Internet Access and Use Policy

Policies related to ODL Online website:
Approved by ODL Board, January 31, 1997.

ODL is not responsible for the accuracy of information housed on outside web pages and websites. ODL only assumes responsibility for the information provided on the web pages resident on the ODL Online website. Because of its size and complexity, the Internet cannot be monitored or controlled by ODL or any other organization. It is also impossible to guarantee that data on the Internet is accurate. (When evaluating Internet sites, librarians use the same guidelines they use to evaluate other reference tools.)

ODL is not responsible for changes in content of the sources to which we link, nor for the content of sources accessed through secondary links. ODL offers access to Internet Search Engines, and links to outside websites in order to assist our customers with their information needs. The Department does not block access to material on the Internet which users might find offensive. Many sites carry sexually explicit and other types of information which may be considered controversial or inappropriate.

We remind you that State Law prohibits the "distribution of obscene writing, paper, book, picture, photograph, motion picture, or form of any description." The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals ruled in 1996 that this obscenity law does apply to computer-generated photographs and graphics.

It is ODL policy that parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what library, information, and Internet resources are appropriate for their children. For information on children and the Internet, visit Child Safety on the Information Highway, produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Interactive Services Association.

ODL Internet Access and Use Policy
Adopted by ODL Board, September 25, 1998

I. The Oklahoma Department of Libraries provides Internet access for ODL staff and state employees.

II. Internet access is provided to the public in our United States Documents division for access to federal government sites or sites providing federal government information. As a Regional Federal Depository library, ODL is required to provide this access.

III. Internet access is also provided to the public at the Cartwright Library located in the State Capitol building. The Cartwright Library houses some of the agency's federal documents and must provide access to federal government information on the Internet. It also provides citizens and attorneys with access to the Oklahoma Supreme Court and other legal information which is necessary.

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