KIDS COUNT factbook 2007-2008 |
OICA's 25th Anniversary
The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) works every day to encourage people who care about children to raise awareness, take action and change policy—knowing that we have a better chance of succeeding by working together. In 2008, OICA celebrates 25 years of advocating for Oklahoma’s children, youth and families. Over the years we have worked tirelessly with partners, both public and private, to ensure that the needs of children and youth are identified and solutions are found.
As we reflect on the past and look toward the future, we embrace the hope for every Oklahoma child to have a solid beginning, a successful childhood and an optimistic future. We understand that no child can be overlooked if Oklahoma is to achieve its great future. Our ever-changing families and communities nurture this future, providing the anchor and motivation required for children and youth to be strong, resilient and prepared for life.
OICA was created by Oklahomans who cared about children and about making positive changes to improve their lives. It is sustained today by the same kind of people…Oklahomans who care.
We invite you to add your voice to the throng! To find out more, visit our website at www.oica.org