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Press Release
Facts at a Glance
State Profile
Download Factbook

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Copyright 2006

Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
420 N.W. 13th Street
Suite 101
Oklahoma City 73103
Phone: 405-236-5437
Fax: 405-236-5439

More Oklahoma Kids Count Factbooks are available

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oklahoma KIDS COUNT factbook 2006-2007



The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) teams with the Oklahoma Department of Libraries to make it's annual Kids Count report available on the World Wide Web. This report on the well-being of Oklahoma's children is made possible by a partnership of state and federal agencies, private consultants, businesses and other organizations concerned about the physical and emotional health of our youngest citizens.

The State Profile in the11th Oklahoma Kids Count Factbook focuses on the impact that adverse childhood experiences (ACE) have throughout the life of a person. In addition to the profile in the Factbook, five issue briefs explore the connection between traumas and family dysfunction suffered by children to health conditions years later.

The report also continues to track the benchmarks used to profile the status of children in our state: Birthweight, Births to Teens, Child Abuse and Neglect, High School Dropouts, Violent Crime Arrests, and Mortality.


Download the entire 2006-2007 Factbook or selected pages in PDF format
Download State Profile, Issue Briefs and Facts-at-a-Glance on this year's focus: Adverse Childhood Experiences
Read the Janaury 2007 Press Release and the Facts-at-a-Glance