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The Oklahoma Literacy Resource Office

Dept. of Libraries

200 NE 18th St
Oklahoma City,

(405) 522-3205
(405) 525-7804—FAX

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 Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families (TANF) Initiative

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Almost 50 percent of adults on welfare do not have a high school diploma or GED. Welfare recipients with low education skills stay on welfare the longest; those with stronger educational skills become self-sufficient more quickly.
- National Institute for Literacy.

The Oklahoma Department of Libraries’ TANF Literacy Initiative was established in 1998. Through this unique collaboration between the Oklahoma Department of Libraries (ODL) and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), library and community-based literacy programs offer basic literacy instruction to TANF clients.

TANF picture
Recent TANF graduate, Janice, used the computer to improve reading and math skills at Community Literacy Centers, Inc.
TANF picture
Angelica poses with her teacher, Barbara, after receiving her graduation plaque at Community Literacy Centers, Inc.

Local sites provide up to 30 hours of instruction each week in reading, math, writing, and life skills instruction. Clients are referred to local programs after initial assessments by DHS staff. Clients remain in the program until they are employed or reach a sixth grade proficiency level and are referred to other DHS education partners.

This successful partnership resulted in more than 69,889 instructional hours provided to TANF clients in Fiscal Year 2011.

The TANF Literacy Initiative is supported by funds provided to ODL by DHS. Participating programs receive resources, support, and funding to assist them in providing expanded literacy services. Programs currently participating in this initiative are:

Community Literacy Centers, Inc., Oklahoma City
Delaware County TANF, Jay
Tulsa City-County Library Adult Literacy Service, Tulsa
Great Plains Literacy Council, Altus
Literacy Council of LeFlore County, Poteau
Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc., Oklahoma City
Pottawatomie County Literacy TANF, Shawnee

To contact staff of the Literacy Resource Office, use ODL's Staff Contact Form or Department Contact Form.


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