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ODL Board Minutes and Agendas March 31, 2006
10:00 a.m., Board Room Minutes of Meeting Chair Judi Knapp called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and asked for roll call. Board members present: Betty Bass, Duchess Bartmess, Ann Geurkink, Hannibal Johnson, Judi Knapp, and Susan McVey, ex officio. Absent: Sherry Roberts and Wally Turner. Guests and staff present: Karen Currie, Carol Fox, Susan Gilley, Mary Hardin, Marilyn Hinshaw, Vicki Mohr, Julia Ratliff, Donna Skvarla, and Vicki Sullivan. Knapp asked for consideration of the minutes of the February 3rd, 2006 meeting. Bass moved the minutes be approved. Geurkink seconded. Votes were as follows: Bartmess, yes; Bass, yes; Geurkink, yes; Johnson, yes; Knapp, yes; Turner, absent, Roberts, absent. The motion passed. McVey reported on the Read across America Literacy event, held annually on Dr. Seuss’s birthday at the Capitol Hill High School gymnasium. Over 500 preschool children attended. There were lots of activities and free books given to the children for participating. Agenda item: ODL South Conference Room Policy. Some years ago during ODL’s Strategic Planning Process, it was decided that ODL could serve state government agencies by allowing the use of the south conference meeting room, along with audio visual equipment, internet connections, and video conferencing at no charge to the user. As a result, the agency has become a victim of its own success. The conference room is frequently unavailable for ODL meetings and functions. With the open floor concept, security has become another issue. While looking for conference rooms, the public may find themselves in office spaces. The majority of ODL’s offices do not have doors and thefts have been on the increase. The request is to change the policy starting July 1st to loan the South Conference Room to library related groups only. Bartmess made a motion to change the policy and the motion was seconded. The vote was as follows: Bartmess, yes; Bass, yes; Geurkink, yes; Johnson, yes; Knapp, yes; Turner, absent, Roberts, absent. The motion passed. House Bill 2158 affecting libraries was discussed. Board members expressed concerns about state versus local control of library policies, the financial impact to small towns, and the role of the ODL Board should the legislation be enacted. It was decided that the Board might schedule a special meeting if necessary. There was an agreement to draft a letter on behalf of the Board to the governor regarding legislation in progress pending its final outcome. Guests introduced themselves. Marilyn Hinshaw, Director, Eastern Oklahoma District Library System, Julia Ratliff, former ODL Board member and FOLIO member, and Donna Skvarla, former Administrator of Library Development, were present. ODL staff introduced themselves. Knapp appointed the nominating committee of Hannibal Johnson, Betty Bass and Ann Geurkink, to submit a slate of names at the next board meeting for the ODL Board Chair and Vice Chair positions with terms beginning July 1, 2006. The committee will report at the June meeting. Knapp asked for public comment. Knapp and Turner attended the Oklahoma Reads Oklahoma event. It was the largest group ever to attend. Virginia Mathews and former Governor George Nigh attended. Bill Young and Glenda Carlile were instrumental to the event. The Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) applied to the National Archives for a grant in 2004 to provide training and $5,000 grants to fifteen organizations. McVey reported that a ceremony was held in the Governor’s Large Conference Room on March 20th to recognize the organizations which completed the Models of Archival Administration program. Five workshops were held to help in planning, preservation and conservation of materials. This ceremony marked the completion of the program. Congressman Tom Cole attended the Model Archival Program graduation. He presented a governor’s commendation and certificate designating it to be a “Model Archives” to each organization. Each organization was also provided a copy of the letter from the Archivist of the United States recognizing their achievement in completing the program and a photograph of Congressman Cole making the presentation. Chair Judi Knapp was in attendance at the event. Having no further business, the board adjourned at 11:10 a.m. The next ODL board meeting will be at the ODL South Conference Room, 10 a.m. on June 9th, 2006.
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