![]() Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries 200 NE 18th St (405) 521-2502
ODL Board Minutes and Agendas August 24, 2001
10:30 a.m. ODL Director's Report for This Meeting Minutes of Meeting Chairman Clyde Petete called the meeting to order and asked for roll call. Board Members present: Benny Briggs, James Carter, Jesse Harris, Doyle Kinney, Judi Knapp, Clyde Petete, Sherry Roberts, and Susan McVey, ex officio. Guests present: Karen Antell, Duchess Bartmess, Dan Connally, Karen Currie, Ginny Dietrich, Susan Gilley, June Lester, Michael O�Hasson, Mrs. Petete, Kitty Pittman, Donna Skvarla, Vicki Sullivan, and Bill Young. Mr. Petete asked for approval of minutes. Jesse Harris moved, and Judi Knapp seconded that minutes be approved as presented. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris, yes; Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved. Susan presented the Director's Report. She commented on the Public Library Directors� Retreat held August 1-2, 2001 at the Belle Isle Library and passed out several handouts produced for the retreat. Several maps were created to show a visual image of library funding issues. The first map, Oklahoma Public Libraries and Library Systems, Legally Established Libraries, shows all legally established libraries within the State of Oklahoma, including systems. The colored counties have voted an ad valorem tax to support library service in their county. Many counties give no support for library service. Many have only one library in the county and there are many legally �unserved,� (population outside city limits). Some libraries issue courtesy cards, some with fees, others with no fee, to serve those outside the city limits. Statistics show that libraries receive an average of 3-6% of a city�s budget. The Oklahoma Public Libraries, Coded by Population Level map shows communities that have system branch libraries and unaffiliated libraries (those not within a system) by population groups. We have many unaffiliated and branch libraries that fall into the 2,000 population and under category. The Oklahoma Public Library Systems, Coded by Level of Voted Millage Levy map shows the eight Public Library Systems and millage rates voted for each county within the systems. The Oklahoma Public Library Systems, Coded by Millage Caps map shows the system counties that are at the maximum millage rate allowed and those under the current millage rate cap. Pioneer can vote up to 6 mills. The two Metropolitan County Systems (Tulsa City-County and Metropolitan Library System) are limited to 6 mills, multicounty systems to 4 mills and single county systems (of which we have none currently) 4 mills. This map shows which counties have room for growth. Those with different levels of millages within a system �ration� services. Mr. Petete asked why there was a cap. Susan responded it is in the Constitution and is there to create a balance between rural and urban interests. Rural areas are very often reluctant to allow more potential for millage increases. In the last revision of the library funding law, the urban counties were allowed to go to 6 mills and multicounty and single counties were set at 4 mills. Tab C contains the rest of the handouts developed for the Public Library Directors� Retreat. The Overview of Funding document shows the counties and the percentage of population in Oklahoma that are served by libraries that received ad valorem money, which is 29 counties or 61% of the population. Also 109 libraries, or 22%, are supported by general revenue from their city. 17% of the population do not have library service. Also shown are the number of hours a library is required to be open based on the population served. 89% of the smaller libraries exceed the hours standard. Other handouts reflect that resources may not be there to keep libraries open a large amount of hours, especially in the under 2,000 population communities, where the average annual budget is $42,589 and the average book budget is 14% of the total budget. As far as State Aid to public libraries, the ODL Board sets the formula (presently at approximately $.51 per capita), which is figured on per capita for unaffiliated libraries and per capita plus square mileage for systems. Those libraries with 3,000 population and under receive a minimum base grant of $1,500. Mr. Petete said that most of the southeastern libraries are at the maximum and asked how the millage could be increased. Susan responded it is a three-step process. Either an initiative petition or legislation would be required to send it to a vote of the people. Then a statewide vote to raise the millage cap would be held. Finally, counties would hold local elections to raise millages. Mr. Briggs asked how we determine per capita. Susan responded that it is based on the U.S. Census, including children, and that the total State Aid amount is divided by those communities and systems that qualify by meeting the State Aid Rules and Regulations. Susan passed out the Oklahoma Department of Libraries Rules booklet, which outlines statutory information governing the department and its operation; Oklahoma Library Laws, covering laws that affect ODL and the public libraries of the state; Rules of the Oklahoma Archives and Records Commission; Library Services and Technology Act Long Range Plan, 1997-2002; and the BARS report, which shows the receipts for the agency, including fee income, incidentals, state appropriations (which are received at the rate of 1/12 every month), and claims paid. Mr. Petete introduced Duchess Bartmess. Ms. Bartmess will succeed Mr. Harris. She will be a non-voting member of the board until confirmation from the Senate. Ginny Dietrich provided the overview of the public librarian certification program and the revised certification manual. Discussion of certification began 10 years ago and it was adopted and co-sponsored in 1996 by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries Board and the Oklahoma Library Association Board. Any changes to the program must be approved by both ODL and OLA Boards. The first manual was approved in 1996 with the first people certified in July 1996. Classes began in August, 1996. Surveys were conducted in 1997 and 2000. In January, 2001, six regional focus groups were held around the state for input from public librarians. There was a strong message at the hearings that certification is well liked and many suggestions were made on how to make it better. From these suggestions, the Certification Board developed and recommended changes. Proposed changes were presented at the OLA Conference and in a mailing to all certified librarians. Several letters of support from Certification Board members are included in the ODL Board packet along with the revised manual. There is also a list of proposed revisions. 300 people are currently certified, 500 are enrolled in continuing education classes, seven of the eight library systems participate, and 80 of 104 public libraries are participating in the program. Non-public libraries are also participating, such as the Noble Foundation, Oklahoma City University, Chickasaw Nation Tribal Library, and state institutional libraries. The program was created to improve the basic library skills around the state and especially in rural Oklahoma. People who are trained give much better library service to the people of Oklahoma. Many lacked formal class work. Skills can be gained through formal class work by obtaining a Masters in Library and Information Science, graduating from a Library Technician/Assistant program at Rose State, or obtaining a Bachelor�s Degree with a minor or major in Library Science. All of these would qualify a person for certification. But for people who don�t have the formal class work, certification can be obtained by attending the Institute in Public Librarianship, which is a series of classes offered by ODL and funded by LSTA. Once certified, to keep current, an individual must earn 4 CEUs (40 hours) of training every three years. As a result of the surveys and regional focus groups, independent study was discontinued; administrative and support level classes were combined; some classes were expanded from a half day to a full day; seven basic classes are required to become certified; eight advanced classes are available for those who have completed basic certification; and a new form was developed for participants to complete to receive credit for classes attended at conferences, distance ed classes, and web-based classes. Mr. Petete asked if the manual and class schedules were online. Ginny said they were, and the revised edition will appear on the web if approved by the ODL Board. Mr. Carter asked if funding is tied to certification. Susan replied no, that there was great concern about this when certification was being implemented and a promise was made to the librarians that funding would not be tied to certification. The only funding connection has been that many of those completing certification have received salary increases, and certification has become mandatory in some libraries and systems. Mr. Kinney asked if all libraries were participating. Ginny responded that seven of eight systems were (SEPLS, CRLS, EODLS are very active). In Bartlesville, all must be certified. Mr. Kinney asked about the smaller libraries. Ginny said some staff at small libraries were certified. Mr. Kinney moved that the Certification Manual, Revised Edition, be approved. Benny Briggs seconded the motion. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris, yes; Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved. Donna Skvarla presented the nine Fallback proposals for use of LSTA funds.
A motion was made by Jesse Harris to fund the Fallback Proposals. James Carter seconded the motion. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris, yes; Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved. A Strategic Plan is now required with an agency�s budget request to the Office of State Finance. Susan Ferguson, Office of Personnel Management, was hired as a facilitator to help ODL develop a plan. Susan said the board would notice a difference between the proposed mission statement and the past one. The old one was very wordy and was more of a description of agency services. Benny Briggs saw the need to add a positive word to the proposed mission statement such as �excellent� information services. The proposed mission statement reads, �The Oklahoma Department of Libraries� mission is to serve the people of Oklahoma by providing information services and preserving information resources.� Susan said more language could be added, if needed. ODL will need to negotiate with the Office of State Finance. Ms. Knapp suggested the phrase �pursue more excellent information services.� Ms. Bartmess also suggested the word �quality.� Mr. Kinney said he serves on the Integris Health Board and thought the proposed ODL mission statement was very good and suggested the need to keep it simple. He also thought it would be a good idea if every public library would display their mission statement. Mr. Carter said the vision statement qualifies the mission statement in terms of qualitative aspect. While the proposed mission statement may sound a little bland, he thinks the vision statement is very positive. Mr. Carter saw no problem with either the mission or vision statement. The proposed vision statement reads: �The Oklahoma Department of Libraries is the keystone in state information policy and library initiatives.� Mr. Briggs commented how impressed he was with the quality of the ODL staff. He said the desire to excel comes through in everyone he talks to. He supported the idea of a positive and qualitative mission statement. Ms. Knapp said that during her confirmation process there was a need to convince the Senate of the good things we do. Susan said she was willing to take any advice and make revisions to the mission statement if needed. Mr. Petete suggested we develop a �wish list� to send to the Legislature, separate from our budget request. This could be letters to legislators or something brief and eye-catching. Susan said all materials sent to House members goes to the Speaker�s office. She said ODL could develop an annual report with information. Benny Briggs suggested when the budget request was adopted ODL could send the wish list to the House and Senate. Mr. Kinney moved that the ODL Strategic Plan be adopted. Judi Knapp seconded the motion. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris; yes, Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved. Susan presented the FY03 Budget Request. Priority 1: Grant to public libraries for purchase of hard cover books for preschool age children, $5,638,671.28. At the Public Library Directors� Retreat, the directors wanted to encourage literacy by giving each library funds to purchase books and other materials for every child five years old and under. The average cost of a child�s hardback book is $19.91. The public library would receive a grant based on the five and under population in the community and would also give a booklet to parents and daycare operators. Workshops would be presented. Materials distributed would be somewhat like the Summer Reading Program materials, such as stamps, bookmarks, etc. Benny Briggs asked if there were any way we could negotiate to lower the price per book. $19.91 per book seemed high. James Carter said $5,638.671 would buy around 250,000 books and asked how many children were in the state. Ms. McVey stated that there are 238,000 children aged five and under. Mr. Carter asked if that would mean a book per child or would there be software available for children also. Susan responded that there are some vendors on state contracts and some give discounts. We would need to buy hardbacks because they last longer than paperbacks. She also stated that software could be a possibility. Priority
2: Increase funds available for public library construction to $300,000. Priority
3: Update ODL space study, $25,000. Priority
4: Create Online Database of Oklahoma Authors, $30,000. Judi Knapp moved that the board adopt the FY03 ODL Budget Request and Benny Briggs seconded the motion. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris, yes; Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved. Mr. Petete asked the board to consider if they would like to move the board meetings to 10 a.m. Mr. Carter asked why we would want to change. Doyle Kinney said it would get the meeting over before lunchtime. Ms. McVey said it was currently set at 10:30 to allow enough time for those who had to travel. Consideration of meeting time will be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Petete stated the next meeting is October 26th, 2001 at the Ardmore Public Library. Current mileage reimbursement rate is .345 per mile. The amount for lodging in Oklahoma City is $65 per night with $38 per diem; elsewhere in the state, it is $55 per night lodging and $30 per diem. Mr. Petete asked for any comments. Mr. Harris thanked the agency for sharing materials with the board and making them accessible online. He was especially pleased to have a copy of the Kids Count Fact Book. He said putting the Fact Book online is also a valuable service. Mr. Petete asked the Nominating Committee to report. Doyle Kinney, Chair of the Nominating Committee, recommended Clyde Petete for Chair of the ODL Board and said the committee had asked him (Mr. Kinney) to serve as Vice Chair again. Mr. Petete asked if there were any other nominations from the floor. None were made. Doyle Kinney made a motion to elect Mr. Petete, Chairman and Mr. Kinney, Vice Chair. Judi Knapp seconded the motion. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris, yes; Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved. Mr. Harris made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Ms. Roberts seconded the motion. Votes were as follows: Benny Briggs, yes; James Carter, yes; Jesse Harris, yes; Doyle Kinney, yes; Judi Knapp, yes; Clyde Petete, yes; Sherry Roberts, yes. The motion was approved and the meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Susan McVey, ex officio ODL Director's Report for This Meeting ![]() Copyright - All Rights Reserved Oklahoma Department of Libraries |